What do you do when your partner asks for an open relationship? It’s a problem many monogamous couples never expect to have, but people are more accepting of open relationships than ever, with a third of Americans deeming open marriages acceptable, per a 2023 Pew survey, including more than 50 percent of American adults under 30.
Many people believe open relationships are just an excuse to cheat without getting in trouble, but there are some legitimate upsides. You get to experience other kinds of relationships, expand your capacity to love, and broaden your sexual horizon. That said, open relationships aren’t for everyone. So what happens if the conversation comes up and one partner is a hard no… but the other really wants to try it?
One couple on Reddit is in that exact situation, and it’s as complicated and anxiety-inducing as you might think. In this case, the wife is the one asking to open up the marriage, while her husband (our OP, Reddit-speak for the author of the post) isn’t interested at all. Specifically, he thinks it’s “totally unacceptable.” Now he’s hurt and she’s “heartbroken,” and they’re wondering where they even begin to go from here. Reddit, of course, had quite a few opinions on the topic. Keep reading for the full story, Reddit’s thoughts, and our ultimate takeaways.
Wanting the Excitement of an Open Marriage
OP and his wife have been together for eight years and married for three. He says he knew she was interested in sleeping with other people but their relationship has always been monogamous. He never thought she’d seriously propose to open up their marriage until she did, a few days ago.
OP understands her mindset, to some extent. He says she sees love and sex as separate things, and while she only loves OP, “she misses the excitement of meeting someone you don’t know and discovering sex with them.” She enjoys her current sex life with OP and says she doesn’t want him to change anything about it; she just has a higher libido and is interested in sleeping with other people.
Both Perspectives
OP thinks it’s “completely unacceptable” to open up their marriage. “The thought of her with someone else kills me and my self esteem has been hurt so badly,” he says. He can’t help but feel like he’s not good enough now and is struggling with feeling “worthless and frigid,” despite his wife assuring him she still desires him.
For OP’s wife, starting an open marriage would make her happier. OP says he struggles with a mental illness that affects their relationship. He’s currently in therapy for it and his wife does her best to support him, but he says it clearly takes a toll, and she believes she’d be able to handle it better if she had more balance in her life, which she thinks an open relationship could provide. She started exploring experiences and hobbies outside of their relationship and gaining confidence, and that journey made her realize she wanted an open relationship — and that she’d been repressing that part of herself for years.
A Reluctant Agreement
After a long talk, OP’s wife agreed not to open their marriage, but it wasn’t a satisfying end to the conversation. She told OP she’d probably always want an open marriage, but if she had to pick between that or staying with him, she’d choose him. “She has been completely destroyed over this,” OP says.
Everyone Is Hurting
OP says he feels horrible for refusing to open up the relationship, but he’s also in pain and can’t agree to what she wants. He believes opening up their marriage would “put an end to us.” Now he’s asking Reddit how they can ever move forward, stating that neither of them want a divorce, but they aren’t sure where to go from here.
Reddit Weighs In
Reddit tends to take a pretty cynical outlook on open relationships, and this comment section is no different. Some commenters scoffed at OP’s wife’s reaction, calling it concerning and “potentially manipulative” to be so devastated by OP’s unwillingness to open the marriage. “My trust would be wrecked” by the request and reaction, they said, adding that they would be anxious she might cheat.
Another person noted that some things can’t be unsaid and this demand for an open marriage will “kill” the relationship. OP now has to live with the fact that his wife is “very interested” in sleeping with other people, and the commenter believes that knowledge will “fester” in OP’s head and “rot” their relationship. Another Redditor said OP’s wife sounded “entitled” and believed she would either start cheating or resent him until the marriage is over.
Amidst the doom and gloom (and many, many calls for divorce), one person offered an understanding approach to OP’s situation. “It sounds like both you and your wife have been open and honest with each other,” they said. However, by pushing the matter after the conversation, this commenter believes OP’s wife is being “selfish and insensitive.” They recommended OP and his wife try therapy, but noted that the situation was clear: if OP’s wife wants to see other people, “that’s a dealbreaker” for OP. “She needs to decide if she is going to put herself first, or choose you.”
It’s tough to navigate open relationships, especially at the beginning, especially when one partner really wants and the other really doesn’t. How do you compromise? The truth is, it really is a pretty black and white issue — you’re either in an open relationship or you’re not, and if neither partner is open to changing their mind, there may not be much these two can do.
That said, it’s normal for the partner in OP’s shoes to be shocked and hurt by a request for an open relationship when they’re not expecting it. SheKnows has spoken to experts previously who recommend taking things slowly at this point and — for both partners — remaining open-minded to the other’s point of view. This issue may prove insurmountable in the long run, but for now, it’s best to give it a good amount of thought instead of rushing into a rash decision (i.e. going straight to divorce). Either way, it’s important to keep communicating honestly and talking through the issue as much as possible.
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