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11 Reddit Money Messes That Have Us Guarding Our Wallets — & Saving up for Disasters

If there’s one thing the “Am I The A-hole” (AITA) subreddit proves (besides that people are, ya know, a-holes), it’s that money drama definitely grows on trees. Family trees, specifically. We see financial feuds all the time (like, all the time). It’s everywhere, because beyond making the world go round, money makes people downright vicious.

And as far as we can tell, these aren’t stories of people who are truly strapped for cash. People who are living paycheck-to-paycheck and are trying to put food on the table. They’re just greedy, stingy, clueless, or utterly uncompassionate.

We wish we weren’t here telling you about a mother-in-law who was a legitimate thief, a dad who tried to steal his daughter’s inheritance, or a mom who wanted her daughter to pay “market value” rent to live at home. We wish we weren’t, but do you remember that first thing Reddit proves? A whole lot of people are a-holes. And they’ll do a whole lot to take (or keep) some Benjamins.

And so let’s take a walk down a drama-filled memory lane that will hopefully remind you to keep your money close, your expectations clear, your relationships in mind, and your hands off everything in someone else’s house. Because if you remember the old cliché, money can’t buy happiness — but it can certainly cost you.

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