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14 Must-Haves to Keep Kids Healthy During the Back-to-School Germfest


Back-to-school is, among many things, a complete and utter germfest under the most normal circumstances. So many tiny hands that don’t always get washed. Countless drippy little noses. And of course, the coughing, sneezing and wiping. Gross. Sure, you can remind your kids to wash, remind them to sneeze into their elbows, but let’s be honest; you’re not there at school with them, and they can barely remember what they had for breakfast, let alone remember to cover their mouths every time they cough. It’s anxiety inducing enough to get you buying up every bleach-adjacent product you can get your hands on. (We get it. But don’t start going hog wild with the harsh cleaning chemicals; you know that shit is toxic, right?)

That’s true under normal, non-global pandemic circumstances — so in this late pandemic phase where majority of kids still can’t get vaccinated for COVID-19 and in-person schooling is set to resume, it’s time to get serious about the must-haves for staying comfortable, safe and healthy all year long.

Just for you, we’ve gathered up the best items to keep your kids healthy during the war on the immune system known as back-to-school. So take a breath, put down the industrial-strength hand sanitizer, and relax, because we’ve got you covered.

No really, put it down. We’ll wait.

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